Mirror and reflection...

I don't really know how to start this but i'll give it my best shot.

Perfect. That is a very influential word for almost to everyone. Everyone want to be perfect in something. Most of us know that we will never be perfect. Can we?
As a person who believe in God, I'll say no. It's not that i don't believe in being perfect, but we will never be able to be completely perfect.

Here, i would like to share some of my experience in my life living with different kind of people.
I come from a suburban area and have been away from my hometown for about 8 years (and I am just 20 yrs old!). I've seen a lot of people. Some people are nice, some are not so nice.

Anyway, what important is I have learned a lot from people who lives around me. I have a lot of good friends through out the years being away from my parents. They are my mirrors. My friends always help me to improve myself. They pin out my strengths so that i'll be able to fully utilized them and they also tell me my weaknesses. It's often hurtful when someone point out our weaknesses. Some of my friends are being true to me and i know that their intention is to make me a better person. But some or not.

Some people used other people weaknesses as the source of their "superior power". They manipulate others' weaknesses to make themselves feel better and happy. Instead, they are fooling themselves not realizing that they are making the same mistakes too.

For instance, a person who smoke advice another person not smoke...
A** h***s, for me this kind of people are really stupid.
They know other people mistake but they never want to know their own mistake...
Pity them, they will never be able to change. Come on, even the mirror is also dented, how could he able to advice another people?

Think first before you say anything to your friend. Make sure you are not doing what are they doing first... then you go and tell your friend about their problem.
Polish your mirror first, make sure it is not dented and dirty. If its dirty, polish it so that it will shine. Then you will be able to shine other people.

I really hate people who insult other people but never realize that they are the same.
"Orang tak sedar diri," that's what i called them.
Make sure you are corrected first before you correct other people. Then they will have respect to what you say.

So, before you say or correct anything about your friends, correct yourself first.
NO is not an option to correct yourself for if you in the same group as they are and resist to change, then you are non better than they are.

DON'T quickly say anything... Think, then you say... Or else... you know what will happen...


  1. just so u know, for everything happens - u'll always hv my shoulder. living with diff type of ppl, helps us alot to make us more matured.

    p/s: in regards of org x sedar diri - it's soooo merata nowadays :(

  2. urm Tim, aku setuju apa y nana cakap tuh....

    hope ething is the best for u


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