Best friends, friends or merely people we know?

Basically, homo sapien are living things that could not live his life alone. I have never found anyone having no friends before...

Talking about friends, how do YOU define the word "friends"? Are they people that you always walk with... or are they people that you "have"?

For me (by the way, this is my own definition of "friends"), "friends" are people who are concern about their friends and they are willing to help them as much as they can.

"Friends" are not people who always try to neglect their own friends' problems. From my spec, these are people that I consider to have a very shaky meaning of the word "friends".

Friends are true friends... They are people who are always there to help you.

When you are happy, they laugh in joy with you...
When you are sad, they are there by your side, being concerned (or at least pretend to)...
When you are having problem, they are there walking along with you, ready to listen to you and trying their best to help you.

Friends are true friends. They keep your secrets. They are people who you can rely on. You have no doubt in them, and they have no doubt in you. They are people who you can trust... but that doesn't mean that they will be the type of persons that you want.

So, whatever your definition of "friends" is, it is still up to you how to "live" your life with them. Come on, move on... Be a good friend. Be a friend to your friends... A true friend...

That's it. Class dismiss...

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