Think, wait & move on

Human. As long we remain as humans, we would never able to escape from problems. A person who doesn't have any problem may probably never live his life. Except if he is a living-dead.

Problems teach us to be mature. Without problems, perhaps we will never learn anything. Nothing. Nothing at all. But some how, there are problems in our life that may interrupt our normal days and turn everything upside down.

Me? I am sick with problems that are around me. Sometime, I think I can't hold it anymore. God damn it, I am still alive right now and able to post this. Recently, I have a problem, or so call not-literally-my problem. It is someone else problem, but I am caught in the middle of the internal conflict. This problem has affecting me for a very long time. I actually anticipated that this problem will happen. The best thing when you are able to see this coming is, when you are able to do something about it. The worst part is, when you are not able to do anything about it. This is what happened to me. I foresee the problem, but i could not do anything about it. Damn it.

For several weeks, I held on to a hope that I will get over this matter as soon as possible. Everyday, I felt my life became sucks. Thank God, after watching Kami The Movie, I am able to be myself back. Since then, I have a motto in my life, a new tag for me to live on in this world; Life's suck, but there's still tomorrow. The hope that tomorrow will bring keep me sprout and sustain to stay and continue my life everyday now. Even with this motto, the problem was still bothering me until I shared with somebody that recently become very close to me.

"Hidup ini memang palat, tapi esok masih ada." To anyone who doesn't know what 'palat' is, it means 'suck'.
I like this movie.

I was quite afraid to share this problem with him. But I pulled my socks and took some guts, and darely talked to him about this problem. Surprisingly, he is really understanding and after sharing it with him, I felt the weight of the world was being lifted off from my shoulder (of course, with a few advices). It was the first time that I felt the sense of freedom, with the capital F. Even until now, the moment I post this blog.

With my problem gone, now I can continue my life and focus on my study.

I am really grateful that I meet you Dad. Thank you very much for all the time you have with me.

And thanks to my friends who keep on posting up comments in my blog. Keep it up and I'll bring you guys with more stuffs! Thanks ya for drooping by.

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